Why, this happened?

Anyone can tell me why this happened.When I back pressed app is closed. But when try to open app again, it getting closed for first time. When you try second time it opened with no issue . Please tell me the reason. Thanks

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Check is there any of assets missing in your project

@Xstudios No bro, It only happens when I try to open app after closing.In first time it close automatically, no error showing

Is it closing again and again continuously??

No, it happened only first time after closing app, when try to open app

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Okay share aia in IB I’ll check ,

Thanks for your help, I think there is something worng inside the aia file, of its first screen. I will try to solve this.I think it cause due to any asset or block .Again Thanks for your help @Xstudios


Share your application to find out why the application is closing again and again.

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Hi, @Ajdeveloper @Xstudios , thanks for your reply.I found the bug/issue.I think there is issue in “close application” blocks. When we try to close application in second screen this error caused.
Basically I used two methods for closing app. 1.) By Close Application Block 2.) By Close Screen .
In first method this issue caused (Name in popup; Yes) and second method working properly(Name in popup; No).
Here is the image:

Demo Apk:
Splash (1).apk (6.5 MB)

Please Note: In first screen I close the screen then open second screen.
"If = true"
"then= open another screen- screen2"
"Close Screen"


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I just checked the given apk and this issue is caused because of closing a main screen before opening 2nd sceen, so I suggest you to don’t close the main screen of your app while opening any other screen ,

Note : you can close screen when your on any other screens accept main screen,

I Hope this will solve your issue

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Hi @Xstudios , Thanks for your great reply. And the second solution is You can use close screen block instead of close Application block.


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But i suggest you to don’t close the main activity screen,

your welcome :blush:
Sam Jain

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Okh bro👍
I wrote the second solution bcz it will help others users in related issue.


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