Why Show Me Error Please guide me . In Dynamic extension

Why Show Me Error Please guide me . Expected a unique ID .

Error Screenshot

My Blocks Screenshot

You don’t need to got all column and row both for the wallpaper


i think this is the problem : You set got all rows and set inside this got column

No Bro ! This is Not a Salution.

Show Project And Dm Me

Your error is in the unique ID or identifier of the dynamic component, I think it is not well declared or you are creating redundancy, because if at some point the condition becomes true twice in different columns you are creating the same ID causing conflict!

mmm the best thing would be to show more complete blocks or pass the AIA.

Project File : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F6RjEFAH9-IVpsbv5gAOCsRJCeWLFid-/view?usp=drivesdk

He was right!

Files AIA & APK
Wallpaper.apk (7.0 MB)
Wallpaper v2.aia (875.8 KB)


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