There should be any option for finish() current screen1 and open screen2

if my app has 8 screens and user navigates to from screen1 to screen8 one by one and not close the current screen then my app uses too much ram if screen1 to 7 is not finished. there should be an option that if open another screen than current screen should be finish().


There Already Close Screen Block

This is My temp mail app url .
In this app when open only home screen on back press close application option work perfectly
But if I open inbox screen then goto home screen and back button press it seems like closing app but again opens the app.
Please give any solution for this.
3 users give 1star Bad rating due to this problem.:frowning_face: :sob:


I suggest you to reduce your screen size like 2-4. If you want more screen you can use Vertical Arrangement by hide/visible component method as you need. :relieved:

This is bcz you doesn’t close the other screens, close other then open other screen after that it’s works perfectly.

I can’t attach any block under close screen block or under open another screen block. That’s why i asked for finish() screen1 in this

Look here bro,

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