When you add an FSA extension or a OneSignalPush extension
The application is not compiled
Is it because the size of the extensions is rather large
When you add an FSA extension or a OneSignalPush extension
The application is not compiled
Is it because the size of the extensions is rather large
The firebase storage & auth lib is already in the builder that’s why it’s not compiling the apk/abb and the onesignal too is available on Android Builder so why u need to use that Extension?
Authentication does not work for us, and there is an error in the push notifications
Have u joined us on telegram? If no that’s it’s not our problem we already notified that we have fixed it and will be added in the stable version on builder and
Have u read this and send the aia file? If no than it’s also not our problem and if yes than if the admin is not seen or reply may be he is busy in some works.
U can send the aia file to me i have check it or send u the fixed version and also i will check it is really our problem or urs own.
Yes, I am with you on Telegram. I saw an announcement that it will be fixed in the next update
But when will it be updated?
Nobody knows so I added an extension
I sent a file and found a component error
It will be fixed as well
@im_neodeveloper Neo already gives you a solution to the rest of the things about onesignal; it’s crashed on some devices, not on every device, and this will be fixed in the next update.
have the onesignal crashing issues been solved
@petfely A New Notification will be released once it fixed