Resolving Min SDK Errors When Uploading AABs: Disabling Automatic Protection in Google Play Console

When developing and distributing Android apps, it’s essential to understand how Google Play Console processes your app files, particularly AABs (Android App Bundles). A new feature introduced by Google Play, called Automatic Protection, can sometimes cause unexpected issues, such as requiring a minimum SDK version of 21 when uploading your AAB. This mechanism automatically injects new code to enhance app protection and update processes, but it may lead to compatibility issues for apps built using tools like Android Builder.

If you’re encountering errors related to the minimum SDK version or facing trouble uploading your app, disabling Automatic Protection might be the solution. This guide will walk you through the process of turning off the Installer Check option within the Play Console, allowing you to successfully upload your AAB without errors. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Under “Test and release” go to App Integrity
  2. Locate “Automatic protection”
  3. Click Settings

  1. Turn off the “Installer check” option and then click save in the bottom right.

At this point you should be able to upload your AAB without getting the min SDK error.