New fernet cryptography extension to encrypt and decrypt data very easily

Hey there I just create a new extension which uses fernet cryptography technique to encrypt and decrypt text with the help of a fernet key ( Currently salt or password is not supported ). I know there are many encryption and decryption extension but i did’t found any related to this that’s why i created one and also other are a bit complicated but this one is very easy to use.

Why to use fernet ?

  • First because its easy and one of the most secure encryption
  • It uses mostly AES in CBC mode with a 128-bit key for encryption and other too but not supported yet
  • It’s very easy and even beginner could use it very easily using this extension
  • It support many other platform too like JavaScript, Python, PHP, Nodejs and etc.
  • You can use same encryption key in these platform too to encrypt data from one place and decrypt on other, which helps to prevent from many attack.
  • Also The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a type of symmetric encryption that is considered both the most unbreakable algorithm and the global standard of security. Which means fernet is also one of the best and secure way to encrypt data.

Now lets talk about how its works, Here are its blocks and usage

create a new key

  • This block will help you to create a new encryption key to which will help you to encrypt and decrypt text


  • This block will help you to encrypt the data using fernet key which you can either enter your own or create a new key, It will return encrypted text


  • This block will help you to decrypt data using fernet key just pass Encrypted text in encryptedData and it will return the original text.


  • If you find any bug or want any improvement in it then you can fell free to contact me

Download From here :

com.maiis.fernetcrypto.aix (29.8 KB)


Nice @Pryanshu
Keep it up :blush: :android_builder:



Thanks :blush::heart:

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