🎗️ [NEW Advanced APP] SciComm community app like facebook


I’d like to introduce myself: I’m Ahmed (@Black_Knight )

Project Overview

I conceived the idea of creating an application that could serve as a dedicated community for teachers, students, and anyone passionate about education. This vision led to the development of the ‘SciComm’ app, a project that demanded substantial time and effort. Unlike mainstream social networks like Facebook, ‘SciComm’ is purpose-built to cater exclusively to the realms of education, learning, and studying.

App language


Beta Mode

As of now, the app is in beta mode. Users may encounter certain undiscovered issues within the application. Reporting such issues is greatly encouraged, as it contributes to the enhancement of the app’s quality in future iterations.

Key Features

:rocket: Exciting News for Educators, Researchers, and Students! :books:

Introducing ‘SciComm’ - the ultimate community for teachers, scientists, and students, designed to ignite your passion! :star2:

Whether you’re a dedicated teacher, a research enthusiast, or a lifelong learner, ‘SciComm’ caters specifically to your needs.

:globe_with_meridians: Social Network

Easily connect with your peers, exchange ideas, and stay updated with the latest information.

:microscope: Innovation

For scientists, access the latest research, share discoveries, and engage with pioneers in your field.

:mortar_board: Education Elevation

Students, enhance your academic journey with a wealth of educational resources, study groups, and a supportive community to tackle your challenges.

:speech_balloon: Seamless Communication

Stay connected effortlessly with instant notifications and chat features that foster a strong sense of belonging.

:seedling: Join Our Community

Join our rapidly growing community of educators, scientists, and students. Collaborate with us to shape the future of education, science, and learning.


Download ‘SciComm’

To download the app, visit our website: SciComm


Masha’Allah Brother :white_check_mark: Good work!!!


In other languages like English

what do you mean is this question or what ?

New Feature of Href words added

Examble :

Screenshot 2023-10-01 223842

This and examble about how to add href:

[SciComm](https://mrkoder.my.canva.site/scicomm) => SciComm

Download the new version and try to create a new post