How to Protect app from hackers, apk editors?

I recently heard about APK EDITOR STUDIO. I visited its site, So i am worry about my apps,
i have point earning app, i am using firestore, is it possile to hack my app made in AB
if yes, what are most important thing to keep in mind while making a app which interacts with databases.

AB team should tell us best practices to avoid app hacks because we dont know much


You can use Package Utilities present in Utilities Category. Like when user install your app then your app should detect, APK Editor Package name. If user had APK EDITOR App in his/her phone then you should Notify " Please delete APK EDITOR App, then you will able to use Our Application "

For storing data like : Username, Emails, Points etc your can use this block Present in Text Blocks


this could be one way but what if someone decompile my app and get Firebase token and url then they can change
how can i conceal my api key and url so that if someone decompile not get it


Hi @amankkgupta i too have earning apps and some other types apps but my app didn’t get hacked yet and i just used my tinyDB pro AIX.

Just wait for the 1.6 update there’s is a component named TinyDB Pro just used this it’s same as TinyDB normal one but with extra security & features.:heart:

Answer is -

  1. Use Is installed from playstore.
  2. Use emulator checker.
  3. Use root checker.

I know everyone know about it but they didn’t used it.

Im using Is installed from playstore block on my every projects so u can also give it a try.:slightly_smiling_face:


My secret for security is save important credential in server not in apps with Time stamp and encryption security there is very low chance to get hack because of if time didn’t match then you cannot get data from server hence its something difficult to implement but its work for me.