how to solve bugs like this the androidbuilder page cannot be accessed and cannot open the application project that is being made, ask for a solution, thank you…
it is also my question.
just click on close.
the problem is that you can’t access the application that is being made, when you click on the application project an error occurs, the tab breaks down, as a result you can’t continue your work,
@Smp_Alhikmah Post Screenshot or Video
the result is the same as the tab crash can’t open the application project that is being made,
Yah Due to Project Version Change it Shows
Just Tap Cancel as Much Times it Comes
Finally It will Open Your Project
which browser are you using ?
It’s comes due to some projects/aia file are of different version but when you remove those project no error will come.
It’s @Ricky720M
The brouser that I’m currently using is Firefox, is there anything else that I usually use
No well Firefox is best for development, Try to backup your essential aia and then delete all extra aia and then import only necessary aia again, And if you still are getting any errors then you can send aia to me I will check for mistakes, and try to fix it …
can you help me to restore my application so that it can recover without errors and without deleting the application, the problem is I uploaded it to the playstore but the new results are 50% actually I want to update gradually and I don’t want to lose the application that I uploaded to the playstore, please help me, thank you
There are some things Deprecated With Time
you Can Continue Opening at and Fixing them Manually
it’s been 3 days the application project can’t be opened at all even though it’s only been for 1 month, is there a way/tutorial to fix it manually
Then do one thing send ur aia to any mods they will check & fix it.
Try other browsers like chrome, mic edge etc.