How do i convert length of list?

I have to convert list length in numbers , is this possible to convert length of list in number and store it another variable , one more if possible , make list till the obtained number , like i have to make list till 29 so what i have to do , and another was 78 so what i have to do , Anybody can expain please

Yes you can do this easily. You can use this block
And set your number from (1) to (29),after that if you want to create list for/of 78 then, set from(30) to (78).


you can try this

no , i have to do this in dynamic component , automatic select the number , like if lenth of list is 3 so , like eisode 1 , episode 2 , episode 3 like this

I think you want to say if episode one is completed then call episode in a list.

no , i have to say that if i calling data in csv format then according to data length , the text created in counting like episode 1 , episode 2 , episode 3,

Can you tell me with a example, bcz I am confusing actually what you want to say, tell me via personal message.