Do you want to be a bug tester?

Hey AndroDevs :blue_heart:,
How are you all? We hope that you all will be fine.
Recently, we asked if you would like to Join AB’s @Beta_Tester ( Bug Tester ). And well, we were not expecting so many responses.:flushed:
So, this is the time to give more information about it…!!!:fist_right:t2::fist_left:t2:
But the main question is how to join Buger/ bug tester? Don’t worry, these are the only requirements to become a @Beta_Tester (Bug Tester) :arrow_heading_down:.

Your trust level in the community should be Level 2
Be invited by AB Staff or Moderators.

Now, just by meeting one of those requirements, you can be a @Beta_Tester :fire::sparkles:

To Apply just head to this page and request joining the group.

What are you waiting for AndroDevs? Would you like to become our @Buger?
Just apply to be part of AB’s @Buger.

Team Android Builder :blue_heart: