Create Profile pic / Avtar by name Extensions (Free)

Make your Custom Avtar By Text / Name

This Block for genrate the color picture of avtar
Input type

Image Component = imagecoponent
Name = text

This Block for genrate the text picture of avtar
Input type

Image Component = imagecoponent
Name = text
size = number
background color = text
text color = text

This Block for genrate the animal picture of avtar
Input type

Image Component = imagecoponent
Name = text

note = :o:this format response in white picture so use the background to black

This Block for genrate the Robo picture of avtar
Input type

Image Component = imagecoponent
Name = text

Demo Screenshots

Demo APk

Avtar.apk (3.5 MB)

It will Genrate Random AVTAR by name

Download file will Avaible after 4 likes :yum:

thanks it me shyamal

Are want a advance version of it with over 100+ catogries 1m+ image
  • yes:heart_eyes:
  • no :expressionless:
0 voters

Great Extension @Silktune_Offical

1 Like

Where is aix file …?