Conflixer : A Powerful Tool To Resolve Conflicts Between Extensions

:boom: Conflixer : A Powerful Tool To Resolve Conflicts Between Extensions

A CLI-tool for extension developers and extension users to quickly resolve conflicts between extensions.


:floppy_disk: Installation

Note: Before installing Enhancer, make sure that you’ve JDK 8 or above installed.

:window: Windows

  1. In the PowerShell, run:

    iwr -useb | iex
  2. To run Conflixer write Conflixer on terminal.

:computer: Linux and macOS

  1. In the terminal, run:

    curl -fsSL | sh
  2. To run Conflixer write chmod +x on terminal.

:running_man: Quick start

Now, that you’ve installed Conflixer, let’s try this tool.

  1. Open the terminal and write Conflixer.
    It’ll ask you for two prompts.

    • Enter aix to keep: Set the path of the aix or drag the aix file here. The tool will parse this aix as reference.
    • Enter aix to target: Set the path of the aix or drag the aix file here. The tool will target the aix to generate new resolved aix.
  2. Now the tool will build a new resolved aix within a very few seconds.

  3. That’s it. Now you can use the new resolved aix and the referenced aix together.

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