[Building Limit] can't build Huge app that have many blocks

Hello Android builder stuff I created this topic to just report a problem that I have noticed and this problem is :

when I try to create an app to be more accurate I’m going to say a big app that has 3 screen
screen1 has 1118 block
Screen 2 has 11593 block
screen 3 has 1288 block

I faced a problem in that I got Dx execution failed after 35% while compiling libs
and when I disable some blocks let’s say 1000 blocks or delete some components from the design section the app then successfully built

I think this is a limit for a cool stage Like Android_Builder.

And I think you have to take a step ASAP to solve this problem that related to the limit of servers that operating building processes .


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very big
It is possible to shorten many blocks and components
Use recycling
And dynamic components
You will provide a lot of blocks and components

Man most of my whole app is dynamic components and I have already taken this steps to reduce the number of blocks but in some cases, I need to add more blocks or add more components to update the app

and for this case, this is not a suitable solution for a big app , cause you will find it more laggy while developing with blocks .

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Hey @AYWA_Koder you can use multiple dynamic components to speed up the proccess and the speed basically depends on the data retrieving if your getting it from the database the internet and the ram of your phone also if the app is this big I am not sure if Google play store is gonna approve to publish this app.

there is no need to do this cause I arranged the process well to be done one by one not all at the same time.

I have considered this to return data part by part not all of them at the same time this is basics .

And this is not What my problem my problem is summarized in this question"why I got this error below after making an app that has many blocks? "

Android Builder is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating style xml
________Creating provider_path xml
________Creating network_security_config xml
________Generating adaptive icon file
________Generating round adaptive icon file
________Generating adaptive icon background file
________Generating manifest file
________Attaching native libraries
________Attaching Android Archive (AAR) libraries
________Attaching component assets
________Invoking AAPT
AAPT time: 2.043 seconds
________Compiling source files
(compiling appinventor/ai_ahoo777778/Edudyo/Test.yail to appinventor.ai_ahoo777778.Edudyo.Test)
(compiling appinventor/ai_ahoo777778/Edudyo/Dashboard.yail to appinventor.ai_ahoo777778.Edudyo.Dashboard)
(compiling appinventor/ai_ahoo777778/Edudyo/Screen1.yail to appinventor.ai_ahoo777778.Edudyo.Screen1)
(compiling appinventor/ai_ahoo777778/Edudyo/Screen2.yail to appinventor.ai_ahoo777778.Edudyo.Screen2)
(compiling appinventor/ai_ahoo777778/Edudyo/postpreview.yail to appinventor.ai_ahoo777778.Edudyo.postpreview)
(compiling /tmp/runtime3300821224894404464.scm to com.google.youngandroid.runtime)
Kawa compile time: 4.829 seconds
________Invoking DX
YAIL compiler - D8 execution failed.


Private message me with your project.


Can you please mention the build limit of blocks in here

I think it vary between 14000 : 15000 blcock

And this is an example for what exactly happening with me

Just by watching a video
I saw that it is possible to shortcut your blocks
Try and think

@RAMDO, okay, but that’s not the main issue I want to address. Let me clarify. Imagine if I wanted to enhance the app by adding more blocks, but I reached the block limit. This would inevitably result in an error. What I want you and everyone in the Android Builder community to grasp is the potential frustration in such a situation.

This can be particularly disheartening, especially when you’ve poured a significant amount of time and effort into crafting a substantial, creative app with amazing features. Then, when you decide to expand it by introducing additional blocks and components to incorporate new functionalities, you suddenly encounter a daunting limit error.

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@AYWA_Koder We should be thankful for what the Android Builder team has given to us. You are correct that there is a limit to the number of blocks that can be added if a user wants to expand their app, but Android Builder is always working to find solutions and offers all the resources, including some paid extensions that are integrated into the builder. This contrasts with Kodular, which doesn’t offer paid extensions in the builder and changed the free plan to a paid one, meaning there will be restrictions on everything I hope you get the idea. Due to restrictions set by Google Play store and other similar stores, this Application won’t even be accepted into any stores. Even if you want to compile this app, you can’t upload it anywhere in any website that distributes apps because app stores only allow a certain amount of code and have file size restrictions. Additionally, this app won’t work on every device because most phones have limited memory, which makes apps that require more memory and storage this causes it to lag and crash.

Clear out extra blocks like the waste ones you are not using and if you are ok send me your app AIA file privately so I can try to fix it and send you the AIA back

I want to say a big thank you to the Android Builder team for their hard work on this awesome stage. It has lots of cool features that make it stand out.

Now, I’m not trying to be ungrateful here. I’m actually a big fan of the Android Builder stage. But I’ve noticed a problem, and I think it’s important to talk about it. I’ve reported the issue because I believe we all need to help make this stage the best it can be

and for this No, this is not true. There are several errors and misconceptions in this statement. Let me explain:

  • Google Play store and other similar stores do not have a restriction on the amount of code in an app, but they do have a limit on the size of the APK file that can be uploaded.

The current limit is 100 MB for the APK file, and up to 2 GB for each expansion file.

However, there are ways to reduce the APK size, such as using the Android App Bundle format

, or modularizing the app and delivering features on demand

I also noticed that the MIT App Inventor stage has the same error you could try to check my theory your self try to add blocks to exceed limit of 14500 block and you will be chocked by a big error

App Inventor is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
[ReadBuildInfo] Starting Task
[ReadBuildInfo] Task succeeded in 0.008 seconds
[LoadComponentInfo] Starting Task
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating assets...
[LoadComponentInfo] Component assets needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating activities...
[LoadComponentInfo] Component activities needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.atomdeveloper.FloatingActionView.FloatingActionView" does not specify activityMetadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "io.shreyash.phase.Phase" does not specify activityMetadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.appybuilder.vedangsolaskar2018.JoinAnyUrl.JoinAnyUrl" does not specify activityMetadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "cn.kevinkun.KevinkunEnhance.KevinkunEnhance" does not specify activityMetadata
[LoadComponentInfo] Component activity metadata needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating broadcast receivers...
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.atomdeveloper.FloatingActionView.FloatingActionView" does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "io.shreyash.phase.Phase" does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.appybuilder.vedangsolaskar2018.JoinAnyUrl.JoinAnyUrl" does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "cn.kevinkun.KevinkunEnhance.KevinkunEnhance" does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] Component content providers needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating libraries...
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "io.shreyash.phase.Phase" does not specify libraries
[LoadComponentInfo] Libraries needed, n = 1
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.atomdeveloper.FloatingActionView.FloatingActionView" does not specify metadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "io.shreyash.phase.Phase" does not specify metadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.appybuilder.vedangsolaskar2018.JoinAnyUrl.JoinAnyUrl" does not specify metadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "cn.kevinkun.KevinkunEnhance.KevinkunEnhance" does not specify metadata
[LoadComponentInfo] Component metadata needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating Android minimum SDK...
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.appybuilder.vedangsolaskar2018.JoinAnyUrl.JoinAnyUrl" does not specify androidMinSdk
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating native libraries...
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "io.shreyash.phase.Phase" does not specify native
[LoadComponentInfo] Native Libraries needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating permissions...
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Canvas" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Clock" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.FirebaseDB" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Form" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalArrangement" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.HorizontalScrollArrangement" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Image" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Label" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Notifier" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Player" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.SoundRecorder" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Spinner" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.TextBox" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalArrangement" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.VerticalScrollArrangement" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.WebViewer" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "de.bodymindpower.MyFonts.MyFonts" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.devyb.devybgoogletranslate.DevYbGoogleTranslate" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.faraz.popup.Popup" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.atomdeveloper.FloatingActionView.FloatingActionView" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "de.bodymindpower.TFormat.TFormat" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "io.shreyash.phase.Phase" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.appybuilder.vedangsolaskar2018.JoinAnyUrl.JoinAnyUrl" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.dreamers.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "cn.kevinkun.KevinkunEnhance.KevinkunEnhance" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.gordonlu.device.Device" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.extension.LabelPlus.LabelPlus" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] usesLocation = False
[LoadComponentInfo] Permissions needed, n = 22
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "de.bodymindpower.MyFonts.MyFonts" does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.devyb.devybgoogletranslate.DevYbGoogleTranslate" does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.faraz.popup.Popup" does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.atomdeveloper.FloatingActionView.FloatingActionView" does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "de.bodymindpower.TFormat.TFormat" does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "io.shreyash.phase.Phase" does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.appybuilder.vedangsolaskar2018.JoinAnyUrl.JoinAnyUrl" does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.dreamers.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser" does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "cn.kevinkun.KevinkunEnhance.KevinkunEnhance" does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.gordonlu.device.Device" does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.extension.LabelPlus.LabelPlus" does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.atomdeveloper.FloatingActionView.FloatingActionView" does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "io.shreyash.phase.Phase" does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.appybuilder.vedangsolaskar2018.JoinAnyUrl.JoinAnyUrl" does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "cn.kevinkun.KevinkunEnhance.KevinkunEnhance" does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] Component services needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating component broadcast receivers...
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "io.shreyash.phase.Phase" does not specify broadcastReceiver
[LoadComponentInfo] Task succeeded in 0.008 seconds
[PrepareAppIcon] Starting Task
[PrepareAppIcon] INFO: Creating mipmap dirs...
[PrepareAppIcon] INFO: Generating icons...
[PrepareAppIcon] Generating icons for mipmap-mdpi
[PrepareAppIcon] Generating icons for mipmap-hdpi
[PrepareAppIcon] Generating icons for mipmap-xhdpi
[PrepareAppIcon] Generating icons for mipmap-xxhdpi
[PrepareAppIcon] Generating icons for mipmap-xxxhdpi
[PrepareAppIcon] Task succeeded in 0.729 seconds
[XmlConfig] Starting Task
[XmlConfig] INFO: Creating animation xml
[XmlConfig] Creating zoom_enter.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating fadeout.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating slide_v_exit.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating fadein.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating zoom_exit.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating slide_v_enter.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating zoom_exit_reverse.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating slide_v_enter_reverse.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating zoom_enter_reverse.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating slide_enter_reverse.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating slide_exit.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating hold.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating slide_enter.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating slide_v_exit_reverse.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating slide_exit_reverse.xml
[XmlConfig] INFO: Creating style xml
[XmlConfig] INFO: Creating provider_path xml
[XmlConfig] INFO: Creating network_security_config xml
[XmlConfig] INFO: Generating adaptive icon file
[XmlConfig] INFO: Generating round adaptive icon file
[XmlConfig] INFO: Generating adaptive icon background file
[XmlConfig] Task succeeded in 0.006 seconds
[CreateManifest] Starting Task
[CreateManifest] INFO: Reading project specs...
[CreateManifest] VCode: 1
[CreateManifest] VName: 1.0
[CreateManifest] Min SDK 19
[CreateManifest] INFO: Writing screen 'appinventor.ai_aa6035283.Self_study_house_Screen_checkpoint3.Drawing'
[CreateManifest] INFO: Writing screen 'appinventor.ai_aa6035283.Self_study_house_Screen_checkpoint3.Screen1'
[CreateManifest] Task succeeded in 0.001 seconds
[AttachNativeLibs] Starting Task
[AttachNativeLibs] Task succeeded in 0.0 seconds
[AttachAarLibs] Starting Task
[AttachAarLibs] Task succeeded in 0.188 seconds
[AttachCompAssets] Starting Task
[AttachCompAssets] Task succeeded in 0.002 seconds
[MergeResources] Starting Task
[MergeResources] Task succeeded in 0.201 seconds
[SetupLibs] Starting Task
[SetupLibs] Task succeeded in 0.0 seconds
[RunAapt] Starting Task
[RunAapt] Task succeeded in 0.899 seconds
[GenerateClasses] Starting Task
[GenerateClasses] INFO: Source File: appinventor/ai_aa6035283/Self_study_house_Screen_checkpoint3/Drawing.yail
[GenerateClasses] INFO: Source File: appinventor/ai_aa6035283/Self_study_house_Screen_checkpoint3/Screen1.yail
[GenerateClasses] INFO: Libraries Classpath = /tmp/kawa8148856162688990153.jar:/tmp/acra-4.4.07201722624172141576.jar:/tmp/AndroidRuntime5422037938065351193.jar:/tmp/annotation5438882947175496977.jar:/tmp/appcompat706061276474223050.jar:/tmp/asynclayoutinflater1014856852265868054.jar:/tmp/collection2645109456971328131.jar:/tmp/constraintlayout6504299959525599500.jar:/tmp/constraintlayout-solver8789411050541734210.jar:/tmp/coordinatorlayout1981070822202137020.jar:/tmp/core2720346883029256708.jar:/tmp/core-common8119296457471271710.jar:/tmp/core-runtime3944380841115396374.jar:/tmp/cursoradapter6232677899396109680.jar:/tmp/customview8659139123646507597.jar:/tmp/documentfile5817739829447481269.jar:/tmp/drawerlayout5651641851992091685.jar:/tmp/fragment1318522483943746205.jar:/tmp/interpolator5626674314674190522.jar:/tmp/legacy-support-core-ui8341895490893267871.jar:/tmp/legacy-support-core-utils7070760364150314233.jar:/tmp/lifecycle-common7659809661478565180.jar:/tmp/lifecycle-livedata3838731555443974927.jar:/tmp/lifecycle-livedata-core1521671537608179649.jar:/tmp/lifecycle-runtime847880006325916118.jar:/tmp/lifecycle-viewmodel6420691773791984245.jar:/tmp/loader5114242852057885836.jar:/tmp/localbroadcastmanager7030600650389961565.jar:/tmp/print6768691575237246089.jar:/tmp/slidingpanelayout7863287307116512362.jar:/tmp/swiperefreshlayout3829420945881582293.jar:/tmp/vectordrawable3350391324946290619.jar:/tmp/vectordrawable-animated4015237308833283569.jar:/tmp/versionedparcelable5897532094364392639.jar:/tmp/viewpager3749543463173398468.jar:/tmp/1695432796539_0.31956953873634986-0/youngandroidproject/../assets/external_comps/de.bodymindpower.MyFonts/files/AndroidRuntime.jar:/tmp/1695432796539_0.31956953873634986-0/youngandroidproject/../assets/external_comps/com.devyb.devybgoogletranslate/files/AndroidRuntime.jar:/tmp/1695432796539_0.31956953873634986-0/youngandroidproject/../assets/external_comps/com.faraz.popup/files/AndroidRuntime.jar:/tmp/1695432796539_0.31956953873634986-0/youngandroidproject/../assets/external_comps/com.atomdeveloper.FloatingActionView/files/AndroidRuntime.jar:/tmp/1695432796539_0.31956953873634986-0/youngandroidproject/../assets/external_comps/de.bodymindpower.TFormat/files/AndroidRuntime.jar:/tmp/1695432796539_0.31956953873634986-0/youngandroidproject/../assets/external_comps/io.shreyash.phase/files/AndroidRuntime.jar:/tmp/1695432796539_0.31956953873634986-0/youngandroidproject/../assets/external_comps/com.appybuilder.vedangsolaskar2018.JoinAnyUrl/files/AndroidRuntime.jar:/tmp/1695432796539_0.31956953873634986-0/youngandroidproject/../assets/external_comps/com.dreamers.ExpressionParser/files/AndroidRuntime.jar:/tmp/1695432796539_0.31956953873634986-0/youngandroidproject/../assets/external_comps/cn.kevinkun.KevinkunEnhance/files/AndroidRuntime.jar:/tmp/1695432796539_0.31956953873634986-0/youngandroidproject/../assets/external_comps/com.gordonlu.device/files/AndroidRuntime.jar:/tmp/1695432796539_0.31956953873634986-0/youngandroidproject/../assets/external_comps/com.extension.LabelPlus/files/AndroidRuntime.jar:/tmp/firebase4466343964814131716.jar:/tmp/1695432796539_0.31956953873634986-0/youngandroidproject/../build/classes:/tmp/android8909841158020301429.jar
(compiling appinventor/ai_aa6035283/Self_study_house_Screen_checkpoint3/Drawing.yail to appinventor.ai_aa6035283.Self_study_house_Screen_checkpoint3.Drawing)
(compiling appinventor/ai_aa6035283/Self_study_house_Screen_checkpoint3/Screen1.yail to appinventor.ai_aa6035283.Self_study_house_Screen_checkpoint3.Screen1)
(compiling /tmp/runtime7897261615729886603.scm to com.google.youngandroid.runtime)
[GenerateClasses] Task succeeded in 6.354 seconds
[RunMultidex] Starting Task
[RunMultidex] ERROR: DX returned an error code
[RunMultidex] Task errored in 64.968 seconds

This is the same with every builder i guess as Kodular, Android Builder and many other websites and softwares use MIT app inventors Open source code to make these systems.

I am sorry I am a bit bad at typing I assumed that using 15000 blocks approximately would cause the problem which exceeds the maximum file capacity but no app inventor servers will compile this big application may I request you Send me the aia file so I can clean up the extra blocks and check if it compiles only if you give me permission to.

1 Like

Can we confirm this by Aj developer or posting this on MIT forum as they are the developers for this open source code used to make app inventor websites and softwares @AYWA_Koder why dont you try using offline version of these websites into softwares as they will be using your laptop memory to compile you application by using it as build server.

1 Like

He got the solution for this error so I’m going to close this topic.

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