App compile error

This is my Old project that I create before latest update and work fine for those time, Now after the builder server update when I try to compile the app again it show error with compiling?

Android Builder is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating style xml
________Creating provider_path xml
________Creating network_security_config xml
________Generating adaptive icon file
________Generating round adaptive icon file
________Generating adaptive icon background file
________Generating manifest file
________Attaching native libraries
________Attaching Android Archive (AAR) libraries
________Attaching component assets
________Invoking AAPT
AAPT time: 3.452 seconds
________Compiling source files
(compiling com/octocore/gcamconfig/Screen1.yail to com.octocore.gcamconfig.Screen1)
(compiling com/octocore/gcamconfig/Search.yail to com.octocore.gcamconfig.Search)
(compiling com/octocore/gcamconfig/Contact.yail to com.octocore.gcamconfig.Contact)
(compiling com/octocore/gcamconfig/Home.yail to com.octocore.gcamconfig.Home)
(compiling com/octocore/gcamconfig/Preview.yail to com.octocore.gcamconfig.Preview)
(compiling /tmp/runtime8163877103348587426.scm to
Kawa compile time: 3.443 seconds
________Invoking DX
YAIL compiler - D8 execution failed.


The Same Question has Been Replied Many Times in Group and Community

Ans : It will be Fixed in New Update , this is an Compiler Error

Well, How long it take?