Admob native ad shown but no impression counted in admob

i have used admob native ad bidding with facebook, ads are shown but in admob its showin no statistics i there issue with theadmob sdk?
please check the attachments

There are some issue with the Admob Native ads component (Not for all device). The AB staff will work for that and push a new update asap.

it would be great for the community that you make a list of not properly working components and post it to community so that everyone will be aware of this buggy component, this will greatly reduce time for users.

He’s talking about the AdMob dashboard not about our component so he should need to talk with AdMob support or check whether admob native’s ads are showing or not.

ads are shown in my mobile & all of my friends mobile. but in the report of admob i see no earning no impressions

Admob only counts valid impressions. Continuously opening app from your device will result in invalid impressions.


there is nothing like self earning, my app have very good active user i dont use my app regularly, i have intergrated 3 native which load after altleast 1min and dont generate impression whereas interstial generates 1000 impression easily, there is no invalid impressions, i think the problem is with the AB sdk

If the problem is from the AB side then ads are also not showing so please use your mind before typing anything.